JUMA PA1000 on 60m (5MHz)

JUMA PA1000 does not officially support 60m (5MHz) because there is not a dedicated LPF filter for 5MHz. Thus we do not recommend you to use PA1000 on 60m.
But you may consider to use 60m with your own discretion with these limitations.

- When using serial band data (RS232, CI-V) JUMA PA1000 will select 7MHz LPF filter and display 7MHz in LCD
- When using BCD or analog voltage band data you may not get 7MHz automaticaly selected
- JUMA PA1000 can be used in 5MHz when 7MHz band is selected and displayed in LCD
- The harmonics attenuation is not adequate
- We have not tested the reliability on 60m
- Additionally take into account the power limitations on 60m (eg 15W EIRP in Finland)