RF Splitter - Combiner

This is a low loss RF splitter-combiner from 500 kHz to 80 MHz. It can be used to split an antenna for two receivers or as a splitter - combiner in measurement purpose etc. The enclosure is build by soldering bare FR4 pieces together.

Splitter-Combiner top view. Size 60 x 50 x 30mm

Splitter-Combiner bottom view

Measured performance
- Transmission loss from 500 kHz to 80 MHz is very near the theoretical 3dB
- Isolation better than 35dB
- Good 50 ohm matching on each port

This device can be used as a splitter or combiner in test and measurement applications up 30W RF power level

Schematics with the parts information

Update 2022-12-03 OH7SV

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