JUMA PA1000 Remote Win application provides a fast real time control of your JUMA PA1000

JUMA PA1000 Remote supports also a tiny widget view which is always on top on your screen

Typical setup for JUMA PA1000 remote control

This is what you need
1. JUMA PA1000 amplifier with a firmware version V1.13 or newer Check and download here
2. RS232 cable (only 3 wires!) from COM port to JUMA PA1000 COM2
3. Serial COM port server device at the radio station. Examples
4. A port server compatible virtual COM port driver into your control Windows PC
5. JUMA PA1000 Remote Windows application

JUMA PA1000 Windows application supports wired and virtual COM ports with the baud rates from 9600 to 115200. Depending on your remote setup you can use a general purpose COM port server or a dedicated ham radio remote interface. You also need to know the radio site IP number and configure the related port forwarding into the router in the radio site. You may also need a dynamic domain name service eg dyndns.org to obtain the IP number of your radio site domain name.

Update 2024-02-12